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Is Your Student Ready for Online Courses?

To determine if the student is ready for online coursework check the following statements that apply to the student you are considering for a virtual course.

____The student is self-motivated and self-disciplined.

____The student is a good "time-manager."

____The student is comfortable with e-mail and word processing.

____The student can read analytically and critically.

____If the student set their sights on an end result, they usually achieve it.

____The student is confident in their academic abilities.

____The student does not give up easily, even when confronted with obstacles.

____The student believes they are responsible for their own education.

____The student has conflicts with work, athletics or child care and school activities.

____The student has convenient and frequent access to a computer with an internet connection.

____The student is willing to try something new.

____The student is willing to express their thoughts and opinions in writing.

____The student is willing to work in a loosely structured environment.

If you have checked at least 10 statements, online learning may be right for your student.

*adapted from the Wisconsin Virtual School