Homeless Support Services
American Rescue Plan for Homeless Children and Youth
Eeastern Suffolk BOCES serves as the Lead LEA for (7) program initiatives in collaboration with 27 regional School Districts and 8 regional NYS Migrant Programs which are funded by a series of ARP-HCY sub-grants offered through the New York State Education Department. These state grant-funded programs work together with School Districts, Migrant Programs, homeless shelters, and community-based agencies to provide a combination of advocacy and supplementary educational services to children and youth living in temporary or transitional housing.
Services include emergency assistance, school supplies, personal-care items, nutritional support, Summer Enrichment and Career Exploration Programming, as well as outreach and advocacy to connect them with their schools. In addition, supplemental tutoring (homework help) is provided in Family Shelters affiliated with the Districts. An inclusive network of School District McKinney-Vento Liaisons and agency professionals meet during the school year. They exchange ideas, share best practices, learn and support each other as they work to responsibly accommodate the rights of children under the law.
The Family Education Outreach Program office also serves as a provider of resources, in collaboration with NYS-TEACHS (New York State Technical & Educational Assistance Center for Homeless Students) for printed information and materials related to the success of homeless children in school. For additional information, contact: The New York State Techinal and Educational Assistance Center for Homeless Students or call (800) 388-2014.