Commissioner's Regulations - CTLE - RAC-L - SLP Rubric - LMA Funds
Commissioner's Regulations
NYCRR Title 8 - Education
A school library shall be established and maintained in each school. The library in each elementary and secondary school shall meet the needs of the pupils, and shall provide an adequate complement to the instructional program in the various areas of the curriculum.
(a) For secondary schools in which the average daily attendance is fewer than 200 pupils:
(1) the library of a junior high school shall contain at least 1,000 titles;
(2) the library of a high school shall contain at least 1,000 titles; and
(3) the library of a junior-senior high school shall contain at least 2,000 titles.
(b) The library of a secondary school in which the average daily attendance is more than 200 but fewer than 500 pupils shall contain at least 3,000 titles.
(c) The library of a secondary school in which the average daily attendance is more than 500 but fewer than 1,000 shall contain at least 5,000 titles.
(d) The library of a secondary school in which the average daily attendance is more than 1,000 pupils shall contain at least 8,000 titles.
(a) In a secondary school with an enrollment of not more than 100 pupils, a certified school library media specialist should devote at least one school period each day to school library work.
(b) In a secondary school with an enrollment of more than 100 but not more than 300 pupils, a certified school library media specialist shall devote at least two school periods each day to school library work.
(c) In a secondary school with an enrollment of more than 300 but not more than 500 pupils, a certified school library media specialist shall devote at least one half of each school day to school library work.
(d) In a secondary school with an enrollment of more than 500 but not more than 700 pupils, a certified school library media specialist shall devote at least five school periods each day to school library work.
(e) In a secondary school with an enrollment of more than 700 but less than 1,000 pupils, a certified school library media specialist shall devote the entire school day to school library work.
Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) Requirements
Regents Advisory Council on Libraries - New York State Library
New York State 2020 School Library Program (SLP) Rubric
New York State Department of Education background can be found here:
Rubric 2020
Rubric Cover Letter
2017-2018 SLMPE Results
2018-2019 SLMPE Results
2019-2020 - no SLMPE Results collected
NYLA Legislative Session updates: 2022
NYLA History of Library Aid (Systems) from 1991 to 2022
NYSED Library Materials Aid - Library Materials Aid - Questions and Answers
NYSED Digital Equity (added February 4, 2021)
Information on Digital Equity, Survey Data and upcoming 2021 Summits
Capital Region BOCES DREAM Consortium Ed-Law 2d Supplemental Information link for SY 2022-2023
Report Challenged Library Materials in NYS (added February 15, 2022)
This form is being used to collect data and will not be used to generate a response from the NYS Library. Information submitted using this form should be considered public and may be subject to FOIL requests. Please limit or omit any personally identifiable information. If you need support responding to a challenge, contact your school library system, your public library system, and/or the New York Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee.