Data Information & Resources
Longitudinal High-Frequency Learning Standards - Stoplight Dashboards
The data contained within the Stoplight Dashboards identifies high-frequency learning standards on the New York State Grades 3-8 Assessments and Regents Exams from June 2014 through January 2020.
The Stoplight Dashboards will assist district administrators in planning for re-entry after Covid-19 school closures, helping to address the current impact on student achievement in a remote/hybrid learning environment, and the possible need to reduce/refocus the emphasis placed on specific learning standards.
This work is an excerpt from our virtual data share. The Stoplight Dashboards are just the beginning of the data inquiry process. View our recording to gain an understanding of the data analysis and visualization work, and the readiness by grade-level and learning standard articulation workshops that the School Data Bank Services team offers to the Suffolk region. Learn more about the support services offered by our School Data Bank Services, Staff Developer/Shared Data Expert Service.
Complimentary: Data Dashboards
How to Use and Navigate a Data Dashboard
NYS Regents Exams
- CC ELA High-Frequency Learning Standards Data Stoplight
- CC Math High-Frequency Learning Standards Data Stoplight
- Science High-Frequency Learning Standards Data Stoplight
- Social Studies High-Frequency Learning Standards Data Stoplight
NYS Grades 3-8 Assessments
- ELA 3-8 High-Frequency Learning Standards Data Stoplight
- Math 3-8 High-Frequency Learning Standards Data Stoplight
- Sci 4 & 8 High-Frequency Learning Standards Data Stoplight
To inquire about the customization of data, services and pricing, contact:
Vanessa Biagioli-Dittrich
Program Administrator
Reporting Platforms
NYS Assessment & Instructional Reporting Platform
State Data Reporting
Resource Links
New York State Educator Test Guides
- NYS Grades 3-8 Assessments: EngageNY Grade 3-8 Test Guides - ELA & Mathematics
- NYS Regent Exams: NYSED P-12 Assessments
New York State Common Core & Next Generation Learning Standards
- English Language Arts Learning Standards
- Mathematics Learning Standards
- Science Learning Standards
- Social Studies Learning Standards