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The Eastern Suffolk BOCES School Data Bank Services coordinates the following Assessment Services for participating districts:

514.515 – Full Service Scoring for Grades 3-8 and NYSESLAT Grades K-12 Assessment Booklets and/or Computer-Based Testing:

Eastern Suffolk BOCES will coordinate and supervise full service scoring for the New York State Testing Program (NYSTP) Grade 3-8 Assessment Booklets, and/or computer-based testing, for English Language Arts, mathematics, science and the NYSESLAT Grades K-12 in collaboration with an electronic scoring vendor, Optimum Solutions Corporation.

531.530 – New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) Training for Computer-Based Testing:

The NYSAA CBT Training includes updated information from the New York State Department of Education regarding NYSAA, a detailed overview of the changes to the assessment and a presentation of the training program for teachers administering the NYSAA in ELA, mathematics and science facilitated by New York State Alternate Assessment Training Network Specialists (AATNs).

514.515 – Full Service Scoring for NYSESLAT Grades K-12:

 Eastern Suffolk BOCES will coordinate and supervise full service scoring for the New York State Testing Program (NYSTP) for the NYSESLAT Grades K-12 in collaboration with an electronic scoring vendor, Optimum Solutions Corporation.

Vanessa Biagioli-Dittrich
Program Administrator

Lauren Lewonka
Administrative Coordinator

Eileen Jaeger
Senior Office Assistant

Lisa Schiede
Senior Account Clerk