Consultant Network
What is a Consulting Network?
The Consulting Network provides coaching/consultant expertise to component school districts by matching expertise with specific staff needs in a district. In contrast with the regional workshop approach, the Network provides customized staff development for teachers and/or administrators in their district. You can search for consultants on our website or you can reach out to request a referral at
Once you decide to move forward with In-District PD, please visit our "Forms" page and complete the In-District Planning Form. The completed form must be emailed to
- All
- AI
- Behavioral
- Curriculum Development
- Dignity for All Students Act
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity
- Grant Writing
- Implicit Bias
- Instructional Strategies
- Keynote
- Leadership
- Math
- Mental Health & Social Emotional Learning
- Mentoring
- Orton-Gilligham Training
- Science
- Self-care
- Social Studies
- Special Education
- Strategic Planning
- World Language
Max Can Help You With
Grades K-12
●Creating suicide safety in schools
●Comprehensive Youth Suicide
●Next steps and challenges
Dr. "B" Can Help With:
Grades K-12
- Bridging Number Sense and Algebra
- Developing Academic Vocabulary
- Building conceptual understanding in math and STEM
- Questioning and reasoning in STEM classrooms
- Implementing a Performance Based Assessment Model
Amy Can Help With:
- Understanding and assessing reading comprehension
- Utilizing academic vocabulary to increase reading comprehension
- Implementing the writing process in content areas
- Teaching grammar
- Utilizing Socratic Seminar to encourage student discourse
Jeffrey Can Help With:
- Strategies for Working with Students Who Challenge Us Most
- Managing Change in Schools
- Improve Lesson Plans with SEL
Wendy Can Help With:
- Culturally Responsive-Sustaining (CR-S) Education
- The New York Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
Steve Can Help With:
- Inspiring Keynote
- Leadership Development
- Innovative Ideas to Engage Students and Staff
- School Climate Strategies
Adele Can Help With:
● Restorative Justice Principles and Practices
● Leadership and Organizational Development
● Site-Based Management
Karen Can Help With:
●Mind mapping in the content areas
●Using a writer's notebook to unlock student potential
●Culturally Responsive Teaching
●Equity literacy for all learners
Johsua Can Help With:
- World Languages
- Language and Culture
- Authentic Language Learning
- Grammar as a Concept and in Context
Joan Can Help With:
- Social Studies Framework
- Instructional Strategies for Teaching SS Content
- Civic Seal
Laura Can Help With:
- Dr. John C. Maxwell Certified Leadership Trainer
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
- The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
Angela Can Help With:
- Differentiated Instruction
- AIS/MTSS Interventions
- Instructional Strategies
Glen Can Help With:
Grades 9-12
●Implementing engaging strategies to teach Living Environment
●Utilizing strategies to increase student success within the Science classroom
●Understanding the standards to improve lesson planning
Sarah Can Help With:
●Utilizing literacy assessments to inform instruction
●Writing Curriculum and units of study for using Google Docs
●Providing administrator/parent workshops in the area of literacy
●Implementing poetry Workshop
Bill Can Help With:
- The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Education
- Restoring Balance to Schools While Preparing Students for Their Future
- Learning 2025: National Commission on Student-Centered, Equity-Focused Education
- Career Ready Trumps College Ready
- Moving Vision to Action
- Creating Future-Focused Schools
Jacqueline Can Help With:
- Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners (ELLs) and Multi-Lingual Learners (MLLs)
- Literacy in Content Areas Grades 6 – 12
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
- Teacher Induction
Wafa Deeb Can Help With:
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity
- Culturally Responsive Educators
- Strategies for English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners
- Federal Grants
Melissa Can Help With:
- Mindfulness and Movement
- Mindfulness and Meditation
- Self-Care
Joan Can Help with:
- Personalized Learning
- Problem Based Learning
- Instructional Strategies that Make an Impact
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- Mathematics Best Practices
- Science Methodologies and Practices
Deborah Can Help With:
● Leadership and Organizational Development
● Social Emotional Learning
● Book Studies
Trish Can Help With:
- Mathematical Conceptual Understanding Within and Across Grade Levels
- Building Fact Fluency
- Number Sense Routines in Mathematics
- Formative Assessments in Mathematics
- Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics
- Math Discourse in the Classroom
- Curriculum Writing/Scope & Sequence Aligned to Next Gen Math Standards
Kathleen Can Help With:
Grades 6-12
●Implementing AP, honors and Regents Chemistry curriculum
●Creating outdoor education lessons
●Planning NYSSLS-aligned lessons
●Enhancing instruction with three- dimensional teaching and learning
●Providing Sci21 training
Philip Can Help With:
- Group Work in Mathematics Classroom
- Problem Solving in Mathematics
- Financial Literacy
- Engaging Students Math Classroom
Myron Can Help With:
- Grading Smarter, Not Harder
- Give Students a Say!
- Smarter Assessment Practices to Empower and Engage
- Generative AI
- Using AI sequencing from learning standards to assessment
Steven Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●Project Based Learning (PBL)-Including Introductions, framework, curriculum mapping, lesson planning, interdisciplinary studies; questioning techniques and applying Webb's depth of knowledge to lesson planning
●Curriculum development and planning
●Interdisciplinary teaming
●Developing professional learning communities
Paul Can Help With:
- Implicit Bias The Work Behind the Work
- Identity and Implicit Bias
Christina Can Help With:
- Teacher Mentoring for Administrators
- Introduction to Teacher Mentoring Program
Erik Can Help With:
- Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
- Good Questioning and Inquiry
James Can Help You With
Grades K-12
●Leadership Trainings
●Socially and Emotional Learning
●Search Inside Yourself (SIY)
●Powerful Practice of Mindfulness for building emotional intelligence and cultivating well being
Laura Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●New Teacher Mentoring
●Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education
Alice Can Help With
Grades 6-12
●Developing a Vertical Alignment Model for teaching Inquiry Skills
●Infusing literacy instruction into the Social Studies curriculum
●Integrating the teaching of historical thinking skills into Social Studies instruction
●Strengthening Advanced Placement History instruction as per the new Frameworks
●Pre AP/Vertical Teams in Social Studies
●Mapping Social Studies Curriculum 6-12 (Content and Skills) to integrate the elements in the new Social Studies Framework
●Providing US and Global History content support for teachers of Special Education and English Language Learners
Brian Can Help With:
- Growth mindset
- Emotional Intelligence
- Neurological health and mental resilience
- Teacher/Student communication
- Cooperative working environment
Jason Can Help With:
- Navigating the Shift to Future-Ready, Equitable Learning Environments
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Foundations: Understanding and Exploring Generative AI
Powering Up Student Engagement with Generative AI
AI-Driven Differentiation-Tailored Learning for All
AI Assistant: Reduce Your Workload as an Educator
Using AI Responsibly with Students
Rebecca Can Help With:
- STEM Consultant
- Curriculum development
- NYS SMART NY grant team
- Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards
Francine Can Help With:
- Multi-Sensory Language (Orton-Gillingham)
- Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator (OGCE) Level
- Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator (30 hour course)
- Orton-Gillingham Practicum (100 hours)
Victor Can Help With:
●Creating standards based curriculum, units, lessons
●Implementing best practices for reading and writing promoting close reading, raising text complexity, developing argument
●Teaching literacy in the content areas
●Applying critical thinking strategies
●Utilizing teaching protocols and student collaboration
Ryen Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●Scaffolding Instruction of Mathematics
●Equity in Mathematics
●Using Differentiated Math Stations
Ray Can Help With:
● Boards of Education Retreats
● Leadership and Team Building Practices
● Strategic and Organizational Development
Emily Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●Introduction to NYSSLS Lesson Planning and Assessment
●Aligning Curriculum to the NYSSLS
●Developing NYSSLS-Aligned Formative and Summative Assessments
●Supporting English Language Learners in Science
- Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management
- Juvenile Risk Assessments
- Juvenile Forensic Assessments
Michael Can Help With:
● Coaching/Mentoring and Providing Feedback for Professional Growth
● Leadership Development
● SWOT Analysis and Decision Making
Andrea can help with:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Secondary ELA
Emma Can Help With:
● Organizational Development
● Data Driven Instruction
● Inquiry Teaming
Duncan Can Help With:
- Grit in Education
- Psychological Resilience
- Building Student Resilience
Lori Can Help With:
- Leadership Development
- Elementary Curriculum and Best Practices
- Navigating the SEAS: Social, Emotional and Academic Success in our Schools
- Inspiration and Motivation to Optimize our Personal and Professional Outcomes
- Implicit Bias
- Self Care / Self Love Keynote
Lauren Can Help With:
●Balanced Literacy
●Reading and/or writing workshops
●Role of readers' and/ or writer's notebook
●Science of Reading
Diana Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●Mathematics Education Training for Elementary Teachers
●Implementing Research Based Best Practices for Mathematical Pedagogy K-12
●Increasing Rigor: deep conceptual understanding, fluency and application
●Understanding and applying mathematical practices
●Utilizing data driven instruction for differentiation
●Understanding Acceleration Pathways
Steven Can Help With:
●Creating effective scheduling
●Manipulating and innovating the traditional schedule
●Increasing instructional time
●Maximizing the impact of the school day
Beth Can Help With:
●Implementing/ sustaining the co-teaching model
●Making curriculum accessible to all
●Providing inclusive Education
●School and District-Level Planning
●Developing classroom communities and social/peer interactions
●Completing individual student studies
●Applying Person-Centered Planning
●Implementing disability specific strategies
Leadership GRADES K-5
●On site consulting with elementary school administrators on ways to establish and maintain successful integrated co-teaching models in their elementary schools
●Additional (before & after) coaching & consulting with co-teaching teams will be scheduled to facilitate and secure the success of their ICT programs
Angela Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●Assessment based approach to learning
●Maximizing learning
●Supporting students as independent learners
James Can Help With:
- Strategic Planning
- Survey development and implementation
- Goal setting and identifying key performance indicators
- Improving data literacy to inform instruction
- Data analytics
Tiffany Can Help With:
- Studying Skillful Teaching
- Foundations in Teaching: Preparing for the First Years
- Making Student Thinking Visible: With & Without Coaching
- Analyzing Teaching for Student Results
- Framework for Central Office Leaders
Kerry Can Help With:
●Dyslexia and/or Reading/Language-Based Learning
●Dyscalculia and Math Related Learning Challenges
●Executive Function
●How to Help Students Succeed
●Learning and Technology Tools and Assistive Supports for Students
Erik Can Help With:
- Science of Reading
- The Big 6 - NYS Literacy Briefs
- Integrating Balanced Literacy and Science of Reading
- Curriculum Writing and Revisions to Support Knowledge Building
- Content Area Literacy
- Text Based Discussion and Writing About Reading
- Vocabulary & Morphology
- Small Group Instruction through the lens of Scarborough’s Rope
- Workshop Teaching
- Structured Literacy
- Process Writing & Grammar Instruction
- Guided Reading with Decodable and Leveled Texts
- Interactive Read Aloud & Shared Reading
- Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, and Systematic Phonics
- Multi-sensory Phonics, Heggerty, Fundations, and Orton Gillingham
- F&P Classroom and Units of Study Support
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Book Clubs
- Data analysis and assessment-based instruction
LGBT Can Help With:
- Creating safe spaces for LGBTQ people
- The Transgender Experience
- NYS Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students Guidance Document
Tom Can Help With:
●Distraction, Disruption, Motivation & Grit: Our Brains on Adolescence
Marisol can help with:
- Updating pedagogical practices in world language education
- Mentoring and training for language educators
- Teaching strategies for equity and inclusion
- Mentoring and coaching for supporting multilingual learners
- Turnkey training on multilingual learners' education
Mark Can Help With:
- Motivational Wellness
Dr. Martin Can Help With:
- MTSS – The framework
- Writing for Mastery
- Co-teaching a Comprehensive Approach
Carrie Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●Complying/sustaining TESOL mandates
●Implementing mentor programs and staff training
●Utilizing curriculum writing to enhance ENL/ELL student success
●Applying various instructional methods
Natalie Can Help With:
●Equity Institute Training
●Equity Action Planning
●Districtwide Equity Action Planning Services
●DEI Strategy Consultation
●Cultural Proficiency
Jay Can Help With:
●UbD Curriculum Design
●Designing Authentic Assessments
●Curriculum Mapping
William Can Help With:
●Assessing Cultural Competencies
●Implicit Bias, Equity & Cultural Competence in Schools
●Reaching the Sometimes Hard-to-Reach
Christine Can Help With:
- Math Talks
- Differentiated Instruction in the Elementary Math Classroom
- Fractions - including strategies specific for ELL/MLL & students of varied ability levels
Mike Can Help With:
●Behavior Consulting
●Managing Classroom Behavior
●Crisis Intervention
Erica Can Help With:
●Creating literacy rich environments
●Coaching and Modeling best practices
●Implementing a Balanced Literacy approach
●Developing literacy strategies
Stephanie Can Help With:
Develop trust and rapport
Utilize conversation structures for planning, reflecting and problem resolving
Utilize the coaching tools of pausing, paraphrasing, and posing questions
Use data to mediate thinking
Cognitive Coaching
Rose Can Help With:
●Every Student Succeeds Act
●Effective Instructional Practices
Pat (Schoolwide, Inc.) Can Help With:
- Leadership support and mentoring
- Integrating Grammar
- Promoting Agency, Identity and Goal Setting
- Supporting Writers and Process Writing
- Supporting the Development of Readers
- Lifting the Level of Writing About Reading
- Systems for Strategic Actions: Building Metacognition
- Office Hours: Quick Check-ins to Support New Staff
- Building an Assessment Toolbox
- Data Collection - Leading to Building Profiles of Learners
- Responsive Small Group Instruction
- Using Mentor Texts to Support Readers, Writers and Linguists (aka Grammarians)
- Building a Bridge: Using Conferring to Enhance Agency and Empower Risk Taking
- Establishing and Sustaining a Culture of Literacy
- Interdisciplinary Literacy: Integrating Science and Ss
- Building Multigenre Units of Study
- Enhancing Home-School Connections
Dali Can Help With:
- English as a New Language (ENL)
Paul Can Help With:
High intensity instruction that:
- Builds number sense, fluency and reasoning
- Enhances long term retention of essential concepts and skill
- Supports the cognitive process needed for mathematical language development
Diane Can Help With:
●Inclusive Education
●Differentiated Instruction
●Para Professional Training
●Community Building
Mills Can Help With:
- Being A Champion For Kids
- Teaching Two-gether
- Inspiring A Mindset To Flourish As An Educator
Lizette Can Help With:
- Culturally Responsive Education through the Lens of MLL Students in All Content Areas
- Second Language Acquisition, Translanguaging, Scaffolding, Comprehensible Input
- SIOP Methods-Language Objectives & Comprehensible Input
- Effective Communication w/ parents of ELL/MLL students
Anne Can Help With:
●Standards based grading
●Standard Based
Charles Can Help With:
- Conversational Leadership
- Strategic Planning
- Boards of Education
Concetta Can Help With:
●Dyslexia: What It Is and What to Do About It
●Specialized Program Individualizing Reading Excellence (SPIRE) Training
●Customized Trainings as needed
Nicolle Can Help With:
- Next Gen Math Standard
- Model small group math instruction
- Develop individualized math assessments
- Demonstrate Record keeping for formative assessments
Mubina Can Help With:
- Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Leveraging Virtual Reality as a Learning Space
- Educational Technology
- Using Educational Technology to Promote Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills
- Digital STEM Curriculum
Kristina Can Help With:
●Analyzing current literacy programs and setting goals for school-wide transformation and growth
●Equipping teachers to administer the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment with fidelity, analyze results, and teach with intention through small group instruction for accelerated growth
●Providing guidance on effective literacy teaching methods through whole-class, small group, and individual instruction, including Fountas and Pinnell Classroom
●Offering effective literacy workshops tailored for administrators, literacy coaches, and other leadership roles
●Equipping parents with practical reading strategies to support student growth at home
Carol Can Help With:
- Critical Thinking in the Classroom
- The Question Formulation Technique
- Inquiry based learning/curious classroom
- Literacy Workstations
- Balanced Literacy
- Strategies for Teaching the Big Six for Effective Literacy Instruction
- Book Studies for Elementary Classroom Teachers
- Strategies for Phonemic Awareness and Phonics in the Intermediate Grades
Peggie Can Help With:
●Developing & Fostering positive school culture
●Teacher Mentor Training
●Social Emotional Learning
Rita Can Help With:
●Implementing and sustaining character education
●Applying effective behavior management strategies
●Understanding =instructional strategies
●Implementing administrative practices that impact culture and climate
Michelle Can Help With:
- Science of Reading
- The Big 6 - NYS Literacy Briefs
- Integrating Balanced Literacy and Science of Reading
- Curriculum Writing and Revisions to Support Knowledge Building
- Content Area Literacy
- Text Based Discussion and Writing About Reading
- Vocabulary & Morphology
- Small Group Instruction through the lens of Scarborough’s Rope
- Workshop Teaching
- Structured Literacy
- Process Writing & Grammar Instruction
- Guided Reading with Decodable and Leveled Texts
- Interactive Read Aloud & Shared Reading
- Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, and Systematic Phonics
- Multi-sensory Phonics, Heggerty, Fundations, and Orton Gillingham
- F&P Classroom and Units of Study Support
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Book Clubs
Nancy Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●Designing learner active classrooms
●Designing equitable learning environment
●Building executive function
Catherine Can Help With:
Grades K-12
●Coordinating self- sustaining programs
●Increasing grant writing & management
●Implementing program planning and development
●Creating school & community partnerships
Andrea Can Help With:
- Learn and Understand AI
- Create opportunities for Global Learning
- Intercultural Learning
- Mentorship
- Project Based Learning
Alan Can Help With:
●Leadership Development
●Moving Schools from good to great
Jeanne Can Help With:
●Identifying and Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum
●Assessing Students with Autism
●Strategies and Interventions for Students with ASD
●Making curriculum accessible to all
●Providing inclusive Education
●School and District-Level Planning
Brian Can Help With:
Grades 6-12
●Incorporating inquiry into the Science classroom
●Applying inclusion and co-teaching strategies in the science classroom.
●Developing curriculum that aligns science curricula with NY State Standards
Leadership GRADES 6-12
●Fourteen years as middle school and high school science department chairperson
●Responsible for comprehensive 6-12 science curriculum and master schedule
●Supervision of teachers including strategic planning and shared decision making
●Communication Skills
●Development and management of the 6-12 science budget
Todd Can Help With:
- What Great Leaders Do Differently
- How To Get All Teachers To Be Like The Best Teachers
- Rewiring and Recharging Your School Culture
- Classroom Management From The Ground Up
- Motivating People During Difficult Times
- Leading School Change: 9 Strategies to Bring Everybody On Board
- Reaching All Learners through Win-Win Discipline?
- Building and Enhancing Staff Morale/ Motivating & Inspiring Teachers
- Motivational Workshops and Speeches
- Supervision-Evaluation and Instructional Improvement
- Middle Level Development
- The Power of Positive Communication
Kirsten Can Help With:
- Science of Reading
- The Big 6 - NYS Literacy Briefs
- Integrating Balanced Literacy and Science of Reading
- Curriculum Writing and Revisions to Support Knowledge Building
- Content Area Literacy
- Text Based Discussion and Writing About Reading
- Vocabulary & Morphology
- Small Group Instruction through the lens of Scarborough’s Rope
- Workshop Teaching
- Structured Literacy
- Process Writing & Grammar Instruction
- Guided Reading with Decodable and Leveled Texts
- Interactive Read Aloud & Shared Reading
- Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, and Systematic Phonics
- Multi-sensory Phonics, Heggerty, Fundations, and Orton Gillingham
- F&P Classroom and Units of Study Support
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Book Clubs
Debra Can Help With:
●Special Education Collegial Circles
Selene Can Help With:
- Instructional Strategies for students in special education, ELLS and MLLS
- Response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) strategies
Kelly Can Help With:
- Educator Self-Care
- Supporting Student Mental Health
- Creating Trauma Sensitive School Environments