How to Best Use Model Schools
Please make sure your district is taking full advantage of all of their Model Schools resources and opportunities. Model Schools provides districts with an array of opportunities that support district’s professional development efforts.
- Join the listserv by sending an email to Do not type words in the subject or text area. It is suggested that technology directors, building principals, chairpeople, and interested teachers join this list. All Assistant Superintendents for Curriculum and Instruction receive this information on their listserv
- Share Model Schools information. In general, an opportunity might be highlighted on the listserv and then it will be condensed into the bi-monthly listserv announcement.
- Host/Participate in regional opportunities that align with district goals such as quarterly Liaison meetings, regional workshops, and Lunch and Learns and other opportunities (virtual connections are available for most of the above)
- Send teachers to free regional workshops. List can be located at Model Schools Workshops 2024-2025, or on the listserv, or on MyLearningPlan
- Take advantage of potential aid reimbursement for substitute teachers:
- Consider acquiring an Educational Technology Coach for a reduced price, 40 day module, Model Schools Pricing 2024-2025
- Use the district’s annual one free Model Schools day
- Obtain discounted professional development for online professional development
- Use free technology planning assistance.
- Join NYSCATE the NYS ISTE affiliate. Membership is free.