What is Esports
Esports officially stands for electronic sports. It is a form of organized, competitive gaming in various leagues with players competing individually or in teams. Esports is governed by its own set of rules and guidelines, just like other sports. Much like interscholastic sports, esports requires teamwork, communication, critical and strategic thinking, sportsmanship, and leadership.
Not all esports teams, however, play competively. Some schools host esports clubs that reach students who often are otherwise disengaged from the school community. These clubs provide students with an opportunity to socialize regularly, form friendships and play games, much like a pick-up basketball game in the park. In addition to supporting students' social and emotional wellness, esports provides spaces for students to practice the 4cs, creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking.
ESBOCES Esports Base Service
Educational Support Services (Model Schools) is proud to announce the launching of esports for the 22-23 school year.
ESBOCES will coordinate and support districts in providing esports activities through gamification vendor platforms specifically PlayVs and HSEL (High School Esports League/Generation Esports).
PlayVs and HSEL organize, schedule and manage all of the logistics that go into creating your own esports competitive league.
Model Schools will specifically focus on assisting districts in promoting healthy gaming and aligning activities in this service to the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards, content area learning standards and 21st century skills.
- LI Esports Showcase
- Beyond the Game: Esports Panel Discussion Series (Videos)
- Current Vendors
- North America Scholastic Esports Federation (NASEF)
- Elite Gaming Live
Potential Vendors in the 23-24 School Year
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