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Digital Generations

The Model Schools Service will meet the instructional technology needs of our districts by providing the following services:

  • Coordinating the Digital Generations Kickoff session each fall semester and spring semester that may include guest speakers from the region demonstrating collaboration with industry leaders in technology 
  • Support the design and implementation of the semester course (fall and spring) curriculum required that is shared with all participating districts as an elective course
  • Creates and facilitates meeting dates throughout the year that may be held at ESBOCES or other regional sites to support the learning objectives of the semester (fall and spring) curriculum
  • Develops and supports all aspects of the Digital Generation’s Presentation Event that is held annually each year
  • Provides field trip opportunities for the Digital Generations cohort to attend that support the elective semester (fall and spring) course when appropriate and regionally accessible

Participation is structured by semester. Districts have the option to join in the fall, spring, or both semesters. Each session spans an entire semester.

Click on the image below to open and/or download the flyer.

First page of the PDF file: Clickontheflyerbelowtodownload