Title III Consortia in Nassau and Suffolk County School Districts
The L.I. RBERN serves as Lead Applicant for two ESSA Title III Consortia which are comprised of eligible school districts in Nassau County and in Suffolk County. The two Consortia focus on enhancing the education of English Language Learners (ELLs) in order to meet the New York State Learning Standards through the infusion and integration of instructional technology into English as a New Language (ENL) programs. Through this federally funded program, ENL teachers in participating districts receive comprehensive professional learning opportunities, on-site embedded coaching, training in interpreting assessment data, instructional technology, educational software, and subscriptions to online resources/applications.
Title III Celebration of Learning Website
The annual compilation of the Celebration of Learning Experiences is now available on a website where resources and lessons can be downloaded and adapted for use by other teachers of ELLs. Follow this link or click the photo below to view the LIRBERN Title III Celebration of Learning website. Archived Celebration of Learning Experiences pdf booklets from previous years can be viewed and downloaded at the links provided below.