Program Partners and Vendors
Eastern Suffolk BOCES
- Brentwood UFSD
- Youth Enrichment Services (YES) -Youth Enrichment Services provides a comprehensive after school program in all three middle schools. Targeted students will include those academically underperforming and/or those with behavioral and attendance issues. School and YES staff specifically reach out to include English Language Learners, students with developmental, learning disabilities and/or emotional/behavioral disabilities. Students engage in an array of academic
enrichment activities that meet 21st CCLC goals and objectives. Youth Enrichment Services also provides a comprehensive Saturday program for 21st CCLC middle school students. Targeted students include SIFE, ELLs and new immigrants. Students engage in an array of activities focusing on English Language Arts, Literacy, and Social Emotional learning. YES administrative staff and instructors organize community service opportunities, parent engagement activities, and educational experiences, participate in advisory board meetings, and manage data entry using EZ Reports. - COPA (Community - Obligation - Professionalism - Achievement) - The COPA Club initiative was created about 13 years ago by a high school teacher who saw the need to develop a program that focused on the positive development of high school students. Some of the core objectives of C.O.P.A. are to inspire healthy sports competition and the promotion of activities in which students can identify with their roots.
- Morrison Mentors- Vendor provides a 30-week STEM afterschool program for 21st CCLC students at all sites to meet the 21st CCLC goal of 60 hours of STEM instruction annually. Presented through a multifaceted approach to addressing the critical needs in STEM education and workforce development, students engage in a combination of Morrison Mentors key flagship initiatives: STEM Play, STEM Academy, and STEM power Scholars. Morrison Mentors organizes community service opportunities, family engagement events, and educational experiences, participate in advisory board meetings, and 21st CCLC data management using EZ Reports.
- NTC Language Services - Collaborates with the 21st CCLC at ESBOCES to provide families of target students and families with equitable access to information and resources related to a variety of topics including upcoming special events, academic and social emotional support for children, and graduation requirements, in the preferred language of the family. Together we strengthen the partnership between home and school and develop solutions for families that can
empower students to reach their individual milestones and full potential.
Interested in becoming a partner or vendor? Contact Denise McAuliffe, Program Director at