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Transportation for Special Needs Students
The majority of students the transportation program serves are those with special needs. Vehicles for these students are air conditioned and equipped to accommodate wheelchairs, oxygen, safety vests, car seats, and gurneys. Specially trained monitors and attendants are also provided to meet the needs of special education students.

Transportation for Career and Technical Education Students
This service is a cooperative effort between local high schools and Eastern Suffolk BOCES Career and Technical Education facilities. Vehicles are utilized to transport students between their district high school and their assigned Technical Education facility.

Coach and Field Trips
Upon a districts’ request, Eastern Suffolk BOCES staff arrange for the transportation of students to participate in field trips.

Summer and Gifted & Talented Programs
Students are transported from their homes to neighboring and in-district summer programs, as well as transported to gifted and talented programs.

Nonpublic School Transportation Program
The cost of transporting students to private and parochial schools, including late bus services, is prorated among multiple school districts, which significantly reduces the cost to each district.