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Nonpublic School Textbook Program

By pooling all of our resources for the public school districts of Eastern and Western Suffolk County, the Eastern Suffolk BOCES Nonpublic School Textbook Program is a cost-effective and time-efficient way for public school boards to purchase and lend textbooks to those students attending nonpublic schools according to section 701 of Education Law. The BOCES program provides the following services:

  • Collects all student applications for textbooks
  • Purchases lower-cost used textbooks first
  • Utilizes bids to ensure the lowest prices
  • Orders are combined in bulk, so there are usually no shipping costs
  • Distributes and collects books at several convenient sites
  • Maintains book inventory
  • Collects fees for damaged and lost books, which are used to defray replacement costs
  • Encourages nonpublic schools to use the same titles each year to avoid costly replacements
  • Ensures appropriate documentation of students requesting second sets of textbooks
  • Sells all obsolete books and applies proceeds to defray costs
  • Provides all necessary communication with students, parents, public schools, and nonpublic schools

Participating School Districts

Nonpublic Schools Served


Christine Taylor
Central Support Services Supervisor

Maria Christ
Textbook Coordinator