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Ward Tech’s SkillsUSA Members Elect 2024-25 Officer Team

Ward Tech’s SkillsUSA Members Elect 2024-25 Officer Team

SkillsUSA members at Ward Tech voted for their Officer Team, who will attend the Fall Leadership Conference in Albany to enhance their leadership skills and learn about chapter management.

It was Election Day at Ward Tech! SkillsUSA members cast their votes to determine this year’s Officer Team, which includes President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Reporter. The four elected officers from each session will be heading to Albany for the SkillsUSA Fall Leadership Conference to learn about Robert’s Rules of Order, roles and responsibilities, and how to run an effective chapter.

Congratulations to the following students who were elected:

students pose for a group picture

AM Officer Team: (l-r) Cassidy Phillips, treasurer; Stiven Muralles, president; Kimoralynn Bland, vice president; Danna Reyes, secretary; and Gianella Quispe, reporter

students pose for a group picture

PM Officer Team: (l-r) Belen Cusuul, treasurer; Ellee Herr, president; Mackenzie Banego, vice president; Angelina Huisman, secretary; and Angie Diaz, reporter