The Science of Fashion
Students in Amelia Berry’s Fashion Merchandising and Design class at Bixhorn Technical Center have been learning how important fabric analysis is to fashion design. Science Teacher Kamelia Sirico collaborated with the class to explore the properties and classification of fibers and fabrics. Ms. Berry explained that in fashion, different design categories require different fabric characteristics such as flame retardant, all natural, and exact color match. “By knowing how to test and analyze fabric, students are armed with key insights to help them select the right fabric for the right project,” she said.
Students performed various tests, including a burn test, to identify unknown fabrics based on the fibers they are woven from. Students will use this knowledge when choosing the appropriate fabric for a garment, as well as identifying unknown fabrics they may acquire in the future. Understanding the characteristics of the fibers within a fabric will help the students better understand its potential application. Students learned that the most important component of a garment is the fabric – no matter how well-crafted the garment is, if it is made from the wrong fabric, it will not do justice to the design.
The Fashion Merchandising and Design course at Bixhorn Tech in Bellport provides skills and experience in retail operations, merchandising display, and apparel design. Students cut, sew, and design their own garments, demonstrate the forecasting of fashion, visually create a fashion display, illustrate sample garments for their portfolio, perform basic business procedures needed for any retail operation, and work cooperatively as a team member to run a successful retail store.