JAC Shack Open for Business
Culinary Classes at Jefferson Academic Center Open a Cafe for Students and Staff
The JAC Shack opened for business this year at Jefferson Academic Center. Each Friday, Chef Brook Herritt’s culinary classes run a café, aka JAC Shack, for students and staff. Chef Herritt has taught her students how to work various positions in a restaurant, including server, expediter, host, and chef. New menu items are offered each week.
Since the café’s first day, the students have served crowd-pleasing dishes to students who have earned the reward of visiting JAC Shack, as well as to staff members anxious to see what their students have cooked up that week. The Smashburger tacos and JAC wraps were the favorite dishes amongst patrons. Trash can nachos were offered for Cinco de Mayo. Other delicious dishes included sous vide buffalo and BBQ wings, chocolate lava cakes with homemade vanilla bean ice cream, chicken parmigiana with spaghetti and garlic bread, and steak and chicken hibachi.