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Jefferson Academic Celebrates Multicultural Day

Jefferson Academic Celebrates Multicultural Day

Jefferson Academic students and staff spent the month of May working on special multicultural projects. The school’s hallways, classrooms and gymnasium were decorated to represent countries each classroom researched. Students visited each class and learned all about what makes countries unique such as clothing, holidays, governments, the meaning of each flag, famous people and more.

The school-wide event culminated on the final day, Multicultural Day (5/22), in which each class provided a popular food from their country for a special buffet celebration. Food that represented countries from all over the world was served buffet-style for students to learn about and enjoy. To participate in the feast, students created passports and were given “boarding passes” as their ticket to enter. Each buffet station was decorated to symbolize the country it was representing.

“Multicultural Day was a yearly activity at Jefferson Academic Center,” said Teacher Anna Cuevas. “When students learn about other cultures it helps to promote acceptance, improve their connection to each other and increase their empathy for others. Students also participated in multi-sensory lessons presented by their teachers while learning about their assigned countries. Students improved their research skills while creating their research projects on their countries!”

student poses with passport they made