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Exploring the World, Searching for a Tiger

Exploring the World, Searching for a Tiger

Elementary Students Globe Hop this Summer

Where in the world is Takoda? Students at Tecumseh Elementary are studying countries across the planet this summer to learn and look for their travelling school mascot, a tiger named Takoda. Amanda Kjeldsen’s class recently explored the history and culture of Italy and then wrapped up the lesson with a spaghetti-and-meatball craft.

Each class at Tecumseh was assigned a country to study. Kjeldsen took the school-wide theme a step further and has had her class study multiple countries and regions. Each lesson involves facts, history, culture, and a corresponding craft.

The summer theme will conclude with displays representing each country in the gym. Every student will receive a passport, which will be stamped as they visit the displays.

“This initiative involves history, geography, and culture, and can also include folklore, science, art, architecture, and culinary details,” said Kjeldsen.

Tecumseh Elementary School is an Eastern Suffolk BOCES school that provides services to students with mild to severe learning disabilities and moderate to severe behavioral and/or intensive counseling concerns.