Brookhaven Learning Center Transforms Gym into a Minecraft World
By creating Minecraft blocks out of cardboard, Brookhaven Learning Center (BLC) transformed its gymnasium into a vibrant Minecraft world, providing a dynamic and engaging educational experience for students. The activity combined physical movement, teamwork, and creative problem-solving, allowing students to immerse themselves in the world of the popular video game.
Students navigated obstacles and managed their time effectively to move the Minecraft blocks from one end of the gym to the other. The blocks, representing various materials and characters from the game, added an element of physical activity and teamwork.
Once the blocks reached their destination, the real creativity began. Students used the blocks to build structures, encouraging them to think critically, communicate clearly, and either work as a team or individually. Each student-made structure became a showcase of their artistic ability.
While being a fun gym activity, the game also helped students practice valuable life skills. Communication and planning were essential in bringing the Minecraft-inspired creations to life.
Jean Agnetti-Warm, physical education teacher at BLC, said, “Some students helped plan and build the activity, choosing characters for their Minecraft world. They enjoyed selecting and rebuilding the characters, and transporting them in the process. They worked on fitness goals using scooters, walking, running, and pushing and pulling. The number one National PE standard we addressed was developing social skills through movement.”